A tag archive is a a page on a WordPress website that displays a list of posts associated with a particular tag. Posts in a tag archive are typically displayed in reverse-chronological order, much like the standard blog archives.

How Tag Archives Work

When a user clicks on a tag link, they are taken to a tag archive page that displays all of the posts that have been assigned that particular tag. The tag archive page is generated dynamically by WordPress and can be customized using various templates and filters.

WordPress creates an archive page for each individual tag, which can be accessed by appending /tag/tag-name to the end of the site’s URL. For example, if a post has been tagged with “WordPress”, its permalink will be example.com/tag/wordpress. Tag archives can also be displayed on the website’s main navigation menu or through widgets like the tag cloud widget.


The appearance of the tag archive page can vary depending on the WordPress theme being used and any customizations made by the website owner.

Generally, visitors will see a reverse-chronological list of posts that have been assigned to the specific tag. Each post typically includes its featured image (if available), title, author, date, and excerpt. The layout of these elements may vary depending on the theme being used.

Benefits of Using Tag Archives

Tag archives provide several benefits for both website owners and users:

  • Improved navigation: By grouping related content together, tag archives make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for on a website.
  • Increased engagement: Users are more likely to explore additional content when they see it grouped together in a meaningful way.
  • Better SEO: Tag archives can help improve search engine rankings by providing additional context for search engines about the topics covered on a website. (However it is important not to overuse tags.)

Customizing Tag Archives

WordPress provides multiple ways to customize how tag archives are displayed on your website:

  • Template files: WordPress uses template files to generate different types of pages on your website. You can create custom template files specifically for tag archives using the naming convention tag-[slug].php. For example, if you want to create a custom template file for posts tagged with “WordPress”, you would create a file called tag-wordpress.php.
  • Filters: WordPress provides several filters that allow you to modify how tag archives are displayed. These filters include pre_get_posts, get_the_archive_title, and get_the_archive_description.